Thursday, September 16, 2010

Training Dog Off Leash to Respect Property Lines

So a fellow dog trainer recently asked for advice.  Here's the scenario:

"Client wants his puppy to learn to stay on his property unleashed/unconfined. What to do?

I have a client who is insisting on training his puppy to stay on his property unleashed/unfenced. Although I've given my opinion against it, he's pretty set. He has several acres and lives in the country, but I've advised against it. He's adament, so how should I handle the training of this 9 week old female black lab? He's convinced if trained 'right' his dog will always want to stay by his side, on his property. Help!"

Here's my response:

Its a pretty large property at several acres so it would be hard for anyone to teach any dog the boundaries of that entire property. I think the lab will have a natural instinct for wanting to be near the owner which would help in keeping the dog on the property. But if the owner isn't particularly close to his dog then I recommend fostering that bond. I think that will help.

Second, I would take the dog and owner to some point along the property line and practice with strong verbal "no" command. Basically, whenever the dog approaches the boundary the owner should say "no" in a firm voice.

Third, if the dog crosses the boundary, then the owner needs to be able to recall the dog back. Again, this is where that close bond really comes in handy.

I hope this helps, it sounds like you have a challenge in front of you.



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